San Diego Superior Court - The Central Division of the San Diego Superior Court is located in downtown San Diego and there are also branches of the court located in El Cajon, Chula Vista, Vista. The proper venue for your case depends on where you reside within the County of San Diego. A portion of the website is dedicated to Family Law, where litigants can locate local forms and local rules that are important to the practice of family law in the County.
Child Custody Recommending Counseling—When a custody or visitation matter is litigated in San Diego, the court requires the parties to attend child custody mediation. During the session, which will predate the hearing on your matter by 6-8 weeks, a counselor will hear from both parties and efforts will be made to resolve the custody/visitation dispute prior to the scheduled hearing on the matter. The following link to the San Diego Superior Court website will take you to a video that describes Child Custody Recommending Counseling and the goals thereof.
To watch a video about Child Custody Recommending Counseling click here
Department of Child Support Services (DCSS)—If you need information about child support and enforcement of child support orders, please visit this website:
DCSS Child & Spousal Support Calculator—The Calculator is found on the Department of Child Support Services website and is useful to determine guideline child support and temporary spousal support (a figure generated from the calculator alone cannot be used to set permanent spousal support):
California Courts, The Judicial Branch of California—This website is a comprehensive source for all matters related to courts and legal subject matter. The website provides links to local court websites for each county, judicial council forms adopted for use in all courts, the California Rules of Court, and more:
Family Justice Center—The Mission of the Family Justice Center is to stop family violence, make victims safer, hold batterers accountable, and provide long-term support for victims and children through collaboration and coordinated services.
For more information about the Family Justice Center click here
The State Bar of California—The State Bar is a public agency in the judicial branch of government and serves as an arm of the California Supreme Court. The mission of the State Bar is to protect the public and includes the primary functions of licensing, regulation and discipline of attorneys; the advancement of the ethical and competent practice of law; and support of efforts for greater access to and inclusion in the legal system. The website provides information about every California attorney and more.
To learn more about the State Bar of California click here